A Christmas Carol (2010)


Season: 2010-2011
Opening Date: November 24, 2010
Venue(s): Concert Hall at Victoria Hall

From Charles Dickens’ Story
By Milena Janda

Program →


Cast MemberRole
John Winkworth Ebenezer Scrooge
Alyssa McCallum Polly/ Ghost of Christmas Past
Norma Connors Mrs. Bag
Lesley Marie Boileau Mrs. Crachit
Carol-Anne Caswell Mrs. Dilbert
Julien Winter Bob Crachit
Mike Chowns Fred/ Jacob Marley
Kassy Chowns Josephine
Zuri Barnes Little Fan
Jessica McDougal Miss Jessica Smith/ Collector
Talen Waller Carol Singer/ Boy
Megan McKague Phoebe
Justin McKague Tiny Tim
Daniel King Boy Scrooge/ Ted/ Toby
Michelle Allan Belle
Rachel Bowman Martha Crachit
Amy Scott Belinda Crachit
Evaline Harmsen Emma
Megan Waterhouse Miss Meg Smith/ Collector
Raquel Deperasinski Ghost of Christmas Present
Christian DeKelver Dick Wilkins/ Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
Brenda Worsnop Mrs. Fezziwig
Chris Worsnop Mr. Fezziwig
Kyle Windover Peter Crachit
Stirling Stewart Young Scrooge

Production Team

Production Team MemberRole
Shannon Oliver Producer
Marg Hilborn Assistant Producer
Mary Doig Director
Set Design
Chris Worsnop Sound Design
Lynne Templer Costumes
Helen Matthew Costumes
Becca Izzard Makeup
Mike Chowns Props Construction
Mary Doig Props
Marg Hilborn Props
Norma Connors Props
Carol-Anne Caswell Props
Anne Fenton Script Assistant
Ken MacDonald Set Construction
Garth Holloway Set Construction
John Matthew Set Construction
Tony Walker Set Construction
Mary Lou Secord Set Painting
Leslee Argue Set Painting
Gill Kassela Set Painting
Sherwood McLernon Photography
Shannon Oliver Light and Sound
Allyson Demoe Poster
Maureen Holloway Program
Other Media
Donations to Fare Share Food Bank