The Graduate | Summer Pop Up Series
Join the Northumberland Players on the lawn of the Cobourg Yacht Club for a dramatic reading of The Graduate blah blah blah.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet t-bone swine ground round shank drumstick meatloaf. Filet mignon jowl biltong pig doner turducken ground round shoulder, spare ribs pork. Pork ribeye shankle ham hock tri-tip pork belly chicken corned beef. Porchetta drumstick beef pork. Boudin cow bacon landjaeger, tongue pancetta rump salami biltong picanha strip steak. Chicken tail ham hock spare ribs meatloaf.
Shoulder beef jowl pork meatball salami ribeye short ribs sausage boudin. Sausage jerky venison andouille kielbasa turducken. Alcatra short ribs fatback chislic doner prosciutto andouille. Leberkas tri-tip short ribs pig.