“And we will come back home…”

This video, featuring a group of dancers in London and created by director/choreographer Cameron MacDonald, reminds us that eventually we will be able to “come back home” to the theatre.

Just to get your feelings going at the start of the week…

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‘and we will come back home’ 🎭 Whether you work, support, perform or just love going to the theatre. Here’s a message to let you know that ‘we will come back home’ Director/Choreographer: Cameron MacDonald @cm_choreography Assistant Directors: Tom Keeling/Fabio Santos @tomkeeling84 @fabsedits Videographer: Fabio Santos @fabsedits Dancers: @alanyamaisie_x @ambsophwalton @bethhgourlay @chloburton_ @chloelindz @dylanholdsworth @emilyannpotter93 @emmacashton @hettiepearson @laurahillsssss @lewis_herring @rossmeagrow @sammurphy2310 @zacadlam @zoethirteeeen Agency Rep: @the_wright_agency #savethearts #savetheartsuk #savethetheatres #weareviable #notlowskilled #dontretrain #lovetheatre #performingarts #choreography #choreographer #actor #director #london #westend #fromnowon #thegreatestshowman #CMC @whatsonstage @stagefaves @west_end_frame @thestageuk @spotlightuk @equityuk @westendwilma @shentonstage @artsedlondon @lainetheatreart @birdcollegeuk @mountviewldn @worldofdance @theurdang @officialbroadwayworld @thehughjackman @bbcnews @londonlive @bbconeshow @thismorning @sixthemusical @jamiemusical @lesmizofficial @cursedchildldn @bookofmormonuk @marypoppinsmusical @thelionkinguk

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